Construction Public Relations

Construction Public Relations

How construction public relations can increase your ConTech value proposition

Global construction is on the rise, and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. According to a PwC report, the volume of construction output will rise by 85% and be worth a mind blowing $15.5 trillion by 2030.... Read more

A Strong ConTech PR Plan Builds Your Credibility

From the time our ancestors first traipsed the globe in the prehistoric era, humans have been building shelter. From simple huts to the Great Pyramids to the skyscrapers that grace the world’s largest cities today, humans have held a keen... Read more

construction public relations

Three reasons for construction public relations

Your construction company needs public relations. Why? Construction public relations strategies can help you garner media attention to increase awareness, assist you in the creation of online content and grow your brand. In a competitive industry it’s important that your... Read more

Construction public relations can help showcase your company’s achievements

As a construction company, your work speaks for itself. If you perform shoddy work, everyone will be able to see it. If you provide excellent quality, that will show as well. That’s why it’s important to share your excellent building... Read more

From crises to your reputation, learn how PR can help you manage

Crisis and the construction industry seem to go together these days. There’s the labor crisis that’s left the industry with an extra 500,000 positions to fill in 2024. That same shortage is giving construction a pretty bad wrap when it... Read more

PR Promotes Sustainable Construction Efforts

Your construction company regularly erects temporary walls to reduce waste or uses sustainable materials. But are you letting your community know about your eco-friendly policies? If not, building out a construction public relations plan to communicate your efforts should be... Read more

Using PR to establish your construction company as a good corporate citizen

Your construction company has a complicated roadmap to manage to get a project to completion. How you get there is just as important as the building that stands at the finish line. It’s one thing to get the job done.... Read more

Construction public relations can elevate your brand.

Why your construction brand needs PR

You’re continuing to add projects and clients to your build list, and you need more workers. On the other hand, you do great work but can’t seem to find more clients. You’ve just secured a giant development, but you’re worried... Read more

Plan ahead and mitigate risk with a construction PR crisis plan

When a crisis happens, businesses have to react. Whether it’s a jobsite accident that results in injury or property damage, a public dispute with a client or partner, or an allegation of inappropriate workplace behavior, any incident that threatens your... Read more

Why construction companies need social media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses in all industries, including construction. According to Smart Insights, 62.3% of the world’s population uses social media. With the rise of social media platforms, construction companies now... Read more

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Public Relations