The construction industry is ever-changing. Over the past five years, we’ve seen material costs fluctuate, the introduction of AI and even a shift into modular construction. When potential clients see these topics mentioned, they immediately want to know more and how it can affect their project. Whether they want to know how much to budget due to increased prices or how efficient your construction company can be at completing a project, it’s important for your company to own the market and be equipped to answer the questions.
Partnering with a PR agency that specializes in construction public relations, like Ripley PR, can put you ahead of the game by addressing these questions before they are ever asked. As the industry expert on construction or construction tech, you have the knowledge to address the market. The only thing you need is a megaphone to spread the news and showcase your expertise. A construction PR agency can be that megaphone.
Our experts utilize proactive media outreach to pitch story ideas to trusted journalists in your industry and market that allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader and subject matter expert. For instance, if there is an increase in materials, our experts can pitch you to local publications to discuss how that can affect projects while also explaining how your company can ease the pain in their wallets. Or, for example, if there is a new technology that has been introduced, we can pitch you to discuss it on a podcast if it falls within your expertise.
In addition to proactive media outreach, our content team can write blogs for your website to help you provide information about changes in the industry. Being one of the first to address a change will further solidify you as the subject matter expert.
If you are ready to partner with a PR agency that specializes in construction public relations, give our team a call at (865) 977-1973 or contact us online.